Study Groups at Open Science Labs #

About Our Study Groups #

At Open Science Labs, we encourage the formation of study groups to create a collaborative environment where members can learn and share knowledge on various topics. Whether you're looking to improve your problem-solving skills or dive into new technological realms, our study groups offer a place to grow alongside peers under the guidance of experienced moderators.

Current Study Groups #

Advent of Code #

Currently, sponsored by LiteRev, we host a study group focused on enhancing problem-solving skills through the Advent of Code challenges. This initiative provides an engaging way to tackle interesting programming problems and improve your coding proficiency.

Python 101 Challenges #

For those just stepping into the world of Python, we're excited to announce the upcoming "Python 101 Challenges" study group. This beginner-level group is designed to help you tackle fundamental Python problems, making it an ideal starting point for those new to coding.

  • Moderator: Sandro Loch
  • Level: Beginner
  • Language: English
  • Programming Language: Python
  • Discord Channel: stdy-python-101 (
  • Start Date: February 20, 2025
  • Schedule: Every Thursday at 12:00PM (GMT-3)
  • Video Call: On discord (voice channel stdy-python-101)
  • Challenge link: 101 Computing Python Challenges

Creative Coding #

Our group will explore coding as a creative process rather than just a technical skill. Many beginners find programming intimidating and miss out on the enjoyment it can offer. By using code to create graphics, we can make learning more approachable and visually rewarding. This study group will center around programming with P5.js, an open-source JavaScript framework designed for creative coding.

Join a Study Group #

Interested in joining one of our active study groups? Connect with us on Discord, click on "Browse Channels", and select the study-groups category to see all available groups.

Start Your Own Study Group #

If you're interested in starting a new study group, we would love to support you! Please send an email to with the following information:

  • Moderator Details: Name, email, and Discord username.
  • Group Name: What will your study group be called?
  • Description: What will your group focus on?
  • Target Audience: Who should join your group?
  • Language: Which language(s) will your group operate in?
  • Schedule: Date, time, timezone, duration, and frequency of meetings.
  • Video Call Link: Where will your meetings take place? (e.g., Google Meet, Zoom, or a dedicated Discord video call room).
  • Google Calendar Link: (Optional) If you have a public Google Calendar, include a link for easy scheduling.

For assistance setting up a video call room on Discord or any other inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out to us!

Join us on Discord

Last update: 2025-03-12