Discord is our main comunication tool for our community. The direct link to our discord is /discord.

Conventions #

Each channel has a unique name with a prefix, according to the category. For example, a channel inside the category Python starts with the prefix py-.

Some category name are long and some times it is hard to find a prefix for that. But, it is important that the prefix has some relation to the category.

Configuration #


Bots #

We use bots to help us to maintain our server.

MEE6 #

For ranking we are using MEE6. We don't have any activity our any rewards using the ranking score, but maybe in the future we can use it.

Dyno #

Dyno bot is used for maintainance tasks, such as:

  • welcome message
  • ban users
  • block users
  • etc (TODO: add all the options used)

YAGPDB.xyz #

YAGPDB.xyz bot is used for categories subscription.

For more information about how to use it, check the following tutorial:


When you have the group and the roles configured on YAGPDB.xyz, the next step is to create a custom messsage on discord, in the channel you want to have this subscription mechanism.

  1. In the message, add a title, a general description and the emoticons and theirs meaning (https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html).
  2. Get the message ID (you need to activate the development mode)
  3. Run the following command !yagpdb-rolemenu create (group name) -m (message id) -nodm, where (group name) and (message id) are placeholders and should be replaced by the correct values.

Note: An alternative to yagpdb would be carl-bot. But for now, yagpdb.xyz seems to be working properly for our needs.

Development #

We have an internal channel for discussions about discord: #collab-devops-discord.

Alos, there is a discord server for development, where we can test bots, new configurations or new features.

If you want to join that server, you need to ask it in #collab-devops-discord channel.