* Remove HTML Comments: Please delete all content found within HTML
comment tags, denoted by <!-- and --> (in the source code of this file).
* Replace Placeholders: Look for text enclosed in square brackets [ and ].
Replace this placeholder text with relevant information.
* Remove Square Brackets: After replacing the placeholders, ensure to remove
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* Add Additional Content: If you have more Project Ideas to include, please
add them at the end of the document. Follow the provided template format for
Project Idea 1: [Project Idea 1 Title] #
Abstract #
[Short summary or abstract of Project Idea 1]
License #
[Project License Name]: [Link to the project license]
Code of Conduct #
[Link to the Code of Conduct]
Current State #
[Current status or progress of Project Idea 1]
Tasks #
[List of specific tasks for Project Idea 1]
Expected Outcomes #
[Desired results or achievements for Project Idea 1]
Details #
- Prerequisites:
- [List prerequisites here]
- Expected Time: [#] hours (note: minimum 350 hours)
- Potential Mentor(s): [Mentor 1, Mentor 2, ...]
References #
[Include any relevant links or resources for this project idea]